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True Design Build.

Design Build is the preferred method for clients who want to benefit from our in-field experience in designing and building with constructibility in mind. Our practical and well-informed approach has helped many developers and builders determine the right specifications and stay on time and within budget. 

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As the single responsible party acting as the designer and contractor, we use our True Constructible approach to create buildable projects and our market knowledge to select top-quality North American products. Our preplanning and extensive workforce enable us to deliver an accurate estimate and delivery schedule. And, our speed and expertise as commercial design-build contractors ensure we design and build truly practical projects.

Business Implications

The Advantages of Design Build.


No one works in a silo. The designer and contractor are one and the same, ensuring a united and cohesive construction and mechanical team focused on quality and practical results.

Enhanced Scheduling

Projects can be fast-tracked. We reduce delivery schedules and installation times by overlapping the design and construction phases to improve delivery and construction speed.

Reduced Risk

A one-stop shop reduces risks and costs for the client. Working with a trusted partner like us who is the single point of responsibility eliminates competition, low-quality work and costly mistakes.

The Commercial Design Build Process

Design Build is all about relationships. Because of our track record, clients trust us to execute the entire Design Build process with quality and precision.

The owner hires us as the designer-builder to provide unified project recommendations. We then bring in our trusted trade partners to offer their design and materials expertise, which is used to design a buildable project and an estimate based on current market knowledge. We use our True Constructible approach, which is our highly adaptive and agile process that brings creative solutions to new challenges:

  1. Define the problem we’re trying to solve
  2. Explore new ways of framing the problem
  3. Synthesize the information we’ve gathered
  4. Ideate possible solutions
  5. Refine the right approach, and
  6. Execute the plan and get it done with the right people.

In Commercial Design Build, the building phase is expedited due to the upfront planning and collaboration we’ve already done. Since the designer and builder are one and the same, and our trade partners have been involved at the beginning, communications are streamlined. Our partners are prepared, our workforce is available, and schedules are reduced thanks to overlapped phases, ultimately improving construction and delivery speed while ensuring quality and a reliable budget. Owners come out of the process with:

  1. Faster timelines
  2. Consistent budgets
  3. Reduced risk
  4. Quality work and materials
  5. Streamlined communications
  6. Efficient design
  7. A buildable project

Since everyone is on the same page from beginning to end, alignment can help mitigate delays when it’s time for construction. A lean construction method is often used, which reduces material, crew and wait time between phases. Meanwhile, everyone remains in the loop even if they’re not involved in the day-to-day construction. The project owner will come away with a process that delivers:

  • True collaboration
  • Room for innovation to solve complex problems
  • Optimized project results
  • Reduced waste
  • Maximized efficiency at the construction stage
Brad Hedblom


Contact us to get your project started.

Our senior estimating team consists of trained, certified, and dedicated specialists. As part of the entire design and planning process, they are adamant about clear communications with partners and trades to ensure problems are identified and solved collaboratively.

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